
5 Steps to Take When You Get Distracted Easily from Writing

One of the main reasons why most students fail academically is various types of distraction. And, there are a whole lot of them in college – friends, extracurricular activities, Facebook notifications, electronic devices, and many others. With such distractions, it becomes nearly impossible to focus on the coursework and we can all guess what the outcome is. For that reason, this article is devoted to helping you with the situations when you get easily distracted, especially when writing a research paper. This type of writing is crucial for your academic performance. Remember it and various kinds of distraction in your college life.

3 Types of Distraction While Writing a Research Paper

In general, there are three main types of distraction you may face while writing a research paper:

  1. Visual: when you are taking your eyes off the paper;
  2. Manual: when you are taking your hands off the pen;
  3. Cognitive: when you are taking your mind off of writing.

Let’s consider several examples of distraction most students are easily found:

  • Social media is by far the leading distraction when it comes to college students. Most students want to write their papers while being on a social media website or at several platforms at the same time. What is your favorite social networking site? Instagram, Facebook or Twitter? Read more information at the BBC about what the science suggests about the impact of such platforms on your mental well-being. We can state the only one fact – while being online, you have more chances to stop writing and get carried away by social media notifications.
  • Phone calls. Whenever you want to get serious and write your term paper or any other important assignment, you suddenly start getting never-ending phone calls. Sounds familiar? Someone calls to find out how you are or how to do a particular project while others need someone to tell something new or interesting. Such phone calls will only distract you. Well, while you are discussing how to tackle any given research question, you can benefit. However, all the rest of the calls may prevent you from writing a good term paper. Mind it!
  • Internet issues. Most students use the Internet for research. Quick access to the Web allows you to do it more efficiently. However, if you have trouble with the connection, you start getting nervous and distracted.
  • It is not only the case when a student writing papers listens to music. In this case, you can find out what music is the best for optimal productivity according to science and put some music on to enjoy the writing process. Imagine your neighbors decide to organize a party and it will be the extra distraction for you besides social media.

5 Steps to Avoid All These Distractions

If you find out that you are always distracted from the term paper writing process, then it’s high time to do something before it’s too late. But, how do you go about it?

1.    Turn Off All Notifications

Want to start or finish writing a term paper, finally, it is better to turn off all notifications in a phone and browser. After all, most of these notifications barely add value to your life given the fact that they are either social media notifications or message alerts. Everything else that is not writing can wait. Later, you will have more than enough time to react to all the photos or videos on Instagram or Facebook.

2.    Find a Quiet Place to Write

You can’t write a research paper without any distraction in a noisy place. Ensure that you find a quiet and comfortable environment to write your assignment. An ideal place would be a library or classroom. Resist temptations to do it in the hostel, the odds are very high that something or someone will distract you. And don’t write in bed, it is possible to relax and fall asleep.

3.    Be at One Stage of Writing at a Time

Writing a research paper requires maximum concentration from you and you can only concentrate when you do one thing at a time. Due to the writing process involves many stages, it is vital not to combine all of them in one sitting. It’s not enough that you tend to browse on social media from time to time. It won’t be winning if you decide to research, outline, structure, edit at the same time. Devote enough time to each of these writing stages.

4.    Set a Concrete Goal

Without the set concrete goals, it is impossible to achieve success in any activity, be it writing or competing in a fight. Establish a goal for each particular stage – write the first chapter or edit the whole paper. Note it down and, finally, make sure if you manage to achieve a set goal or not. Get motivated in various ways, but setting goals is one of the most effective ways to stay organized and motivated to perform well.

5.    Manage Your Time Effectively

When it comes to writing, all your actions should be planned in advance. Remember that there are various writing stages? So set timeframes for each stage – for example, devote 2 hours, then relax for a time. When you write in the evening after a tiring or boring day, chances are that you will be distracted. Manage your time so that you will be full of vim and vigor to write. Maybe, the morning is the best time for you? Here you are the points how good time management can help you become a better student.

If you are still easily distracted while writing a research paper, it is a good idea to ask someone experienced, “Help me write my research paper”. The good thing about having your work written by professionals is that you have more free time to do what you wish. Want to surf the Internet? You’re welcome! Need to call a friend? Do it while your paper instructions are in the hands of experts. As you can see, there are dozens of distractions that can hinder you from writing your research paper. But there are some effective ways to have all your assignments written on time. Don’t neglect any of them!

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