Dental TipsHealth & Fitness

Enjoying the Journey to Straight Teeth

Having straight teeth doesn’t have to be a traumatic experience.  It is understood that although traditional devices are very good at correcting severe misalignment’s in the teeth and the jaw, they do come with a few downsides that if possible, would be avoided.

Not everyone needs the extreme option when it comes to straightening teeth.  Some people simply have cosmetic concerns regarding their smile and would like to improve their oral health by straightening their teeth.  Having a healthier mouth that is more attractive can be extremely beneficial for people who would be more inclined to care for a smile that they are proud of.

There are numerous reasons why a more subtle approach to straightening teeth is a popular choice and this is why there has been a growing demand for invisible braces Sydney CBD.  When people, especially adults, feel as if the teeth straightening journey may compromise their career in any way, if there is a discrete approach to the treatment on offer, then it would be wise for them to take it.

It may be confusing to decide whether to choose traditional braces or the more novel Invisalign to straighten teeth.  By understanding the pros and cons of each kind of treatment, patients can begin to make an informed decision as to what treatment is best suited for them.

Why choose a Traditional Device?

Wires can cut the mouth; patients are restricted to certain foods and there are frequent dental visits.  It seems like the list is long of negative associations with this common dental treatment plan. However, for those people who have quite severe cases, there still really is no other option.

The treatment has improved beyond measure from how it was several decades ago and many people can benefit from a shorter treatment time if using a more traditional means of straightening their teeth.  It comes down to a personal situation and how one feels about having a fixed device on their teeth as to whether this treatment will be suitable for them.

Why choose Removable, clear aligners?

Even though they give patients a sense of flexibility and freedom by being removable, the reality is that they do need to be worn for a minimum of 20 hours each day, which leaves little time for a smile without aligners after eating and cleaning.

It can be bothersome to need to brush teeth after every meal and can restrict people from that 4pm snack that is quite enjoyable. This doesn’t have to be seen as a bad thing.  Once habits are formed and a routine is in place, many people find that their overall health can be improved when snacking is limited by this requirement

The added bonus of having a treatment that is not easily seen by others gives patients that added confidence that might be the big game changer in deciding to have the treatment done.

It doesn’t matter at what age one decided to straighten their teeth, it will improve their oral health, and by association, can help with overall wellbeing as well.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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