
How Penalty Points Affect Car Insurance Premium?

Driving offenses in the UK accompany penalty points. These points are added to the offender’s driving record after they are found guilty. Penalty points act as a warning because increasing points make the offender liable to pay a high insurance premium. It can even get their license suspended for a long period. These penalty points keep drivers driving controlled on the road and drive safely. 

Penalty points are based on the level of motoring offense. Minor offenses comprise three points, while serious ones can cost around 11 points. In a year, if you got 12 points marked on your license then your license is disqualified for at least one year. Minor offenses like driving with underinflated tires or not working headlight are not worth the 3 points, but it adds up quickly and ultimately surpasses 12 points disqualified limits. Serious offenses can get the driver in more trouble waters. In case of a drinking and driving offense, you gain 11 points. If a death is caused then it can mean significant jail time. The points become less important in such a situation. 

How do penalty points affect insurance premiums?

Penalty point’s accumulation on driving record can increase the insurance premium. It does not happen instantly but when you renew the policy new premiums are taken into effect. Remember, the penalty points for minor offenses stay on the driving license record for 4 years, and for the serious offense, it remains for 11 years. So, be prepared to possibly pay extra every year until this duration expires. 

It is essential to get insured even if you have points on your licence for a serious offenseThe premium increase will depend on the insurer and the kind of policy you possess. Nevertheless, make sure to compare car insurance quotes on the Money Expert platform. It is a reliable portal in the UK for comparing car insurances and finding affordable coverage even with penalty points. 

You will see the following increase but can differ based on the insurer. 

  • 6 penalty points above 3 years will see 9% increases.
  • 6 penalty points between 2 – 3 years will see 14% increases.
  • Close to 6 points within the last 2 years will see 24% increases.
  • 9 points in the last 2 years will see 47% upsurges.
  • For speeding offenses, there will be a 23% rise in premiums regardless of the number of penalty points.
  • The drunken driving offense is serious and increases premium above 53% along with a penalty for extra points. 

All insurance providers deal with penalty points and driving offenses differently. Therefore, shop around to grab a low-price deal. Just because your existing insurer is increasing your premiums against minor driving felony does not mean all insurers will charge the same. Several insurers don’t penalize minor offenses. It is essential to drive safely to avoid such penalty points landing on your driving records in the first place. 

Safe driving rewards you financially because the risk of collision is reduced and it ensures you don’t receive motoring conviction, which in turn keeps your insurance premium cost the lowest.

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