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Top Epoxy Floor Choices for Commercial Garages

The commercial garage is a constant hub of activity—there’s heavy machinery at work all the time, lots of vehicle traffic happening, people moving about, plenty of fuel and oil spilled, the clatter and noise of metal components and tools being dropped on the floor, you get the picture. And all that activity requires a sturdy, hardwearing floor to tolerate the stress.

There are lots of flooring types meant to accommodate the rigors of commercial garage activity. But if you are looking for the best kind, you ought to consider the strength of epoxy flooring. Know more about the potential of this strong flooring by reading the rest of the article.

What is Epoxy Flooring Exactly?

Epoxy is one of the most well-known synthetic materials today due to its strong, durable and versatile qualities. Epoxy, when used and mixed together with hardeners and resins, reacts chemically and creates a sturdy, long-lasting plastic material.

One advantage of epoxy is that it bonds satisfactorily with any kind of base layer and this in turn forms into a sturdy, resilient and durable surface. This is the reason why epoxy flooring is suitable for commercial and industrial spaces—it can tolerate heavy traffic and daily activity. There are also homeowners who have chosen this flooring option due to its long-lasting properties and minimal maintenance.

The Advantages of Epoxy Flooring for Commercial Garages

We already mentioned epoxy flooring as an option that is quite sturdy and durable. Here are more benefits of this resilient flooring material.

  1. Fast and easy to install

One of the sound benefits of epoxy flooring is it requires only speedy, simple installation methods. There is no need for a layout, applying extra adhesives or needing specific devices to lay the flooring.

  1. Instantly improves surroundings

Epoxy flooring produces a significantly shiny surface which can promptly boost the appearance of the area. It makes the area brighter due to the reflective properties of the flooring.

These floors can be ornamental too since they are available in lots of designs and colors. Other than that, the surface it creates is quite seamless as well for a more uniform look that lasts for decades.

  1. Requires minimal maintenance

A floor is not porous anymore as soon as it gets a coating of epoxy flooring. It is seamless and sealed, thus cleaning the floor is made easier. Epoxy flooring is very resistant against oil and water stains as well thus regular maintenance is not really required for this flooring option.

  1. Makes commercial and industrial areas safer

Epoxy flooring is a highly chemical-resistant coating which can tolerate frequent exposure to hazardous chemicals that is why it’s often used in industrial facilities, warehouses and plants.

This flooring option also provides enhanced safety due to its anti-slippage properties. It is very resistant against high temperatures and severe impacts, thereby maintaining safety for both individuals and property.

Recommended Epoxy Flooring Options for Commercial Garages

There are several types of epoxy flooring but these options suit such areas best.

  • Self-leveling epoxy floor

The self-leveling kind is used to layer over old, cracked, damaged or even new concrete floors for a surface that is seamless, smooth, long-lasting and even. This type of epoxy flooring not only provides a high-gloss surface and a uniform appearance, it also comes in a wide range of colors that suits different spaces from commercial, industrial down to residential areas.

Self-leveling epoxy floors are not only recommended for commercial garages; they are also great for warehouses, plants, showrooms, gym and athletic facilities and kitchens.

  • Epoxy mortar floor

This is considered to be the toughest among epoxy flooring kinds since it is composed of 100 percent solid epoxies, graded sand or quartz sand. It is the strongest epoxy system since it thrives even in the most extreme of surroundings.

The epoxy mortar floor, also known as 100% solid epoxy flooring, has the advantageous properties of the water-based epoxy flooring type, only multiplied by ten. It’s recommended for areas that need to endure chemical exposure and plenty of harsh impacts. It is very resilient that it’s used in aircraft hangars and airports since it can endure massive aircraft weight.

Epoxy mortar flooring is highly recommended for commercial garages and kitchens, warehouses, plants, restaurants and mechanical areas.

The installation of commercial-grade epoxy flooring is best left to the experts. Contact Extreme Industrial Coatings today for professional advice. We are more than welcome to share our knowledge on epoxy floors. Let our team of professional take over this job for a commercial garage floor that lasts for ages.

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