Home Improvement

All About UV Water Treatment System

If you recently found out that the water that reaches your home is getting contaminated by disease-causing microorganisms then opt of one the UV water treatment systems. These systems will provide you with almost 100% germ-free water. Read on to know more about these purifiers.

The water that reaches your home from local sources may be contaminated with many harmful disease-causing microorganisms. Municipality supply water may also get contaminated while being transported to your home through leaky underground pipes. The best way to treat biologically contaminated water is by using the Ultraviolet Water Treatment Systems available in the market.

People may think that water from well is the purest and that from municipality suppliers is the safest. But that is hardly the truth nowadays because the groundwater or the supply water may get contaminated with any number of disease-causing organisms that get introduced from nearby leaky septic tanks or pipes. In such cases, UV is the best solution for the treatment of contaminated water. But why use UV treatment systems? Because UV light has a wavelength of 200-300nm and can penetrate inside microorganisms and kill them instantly by damaging their DNZ/RNA. The UV light is effective against almost all kinds of microorganisms which include viruses, bacteria, and protozoa etc.

These Ultraviolet water treatment systems should be installed at the residential or commercial Point Of Entry (POE) of water supply. By installing it at the POE one can ensure that they are getting germ free water through every faucet in the house or in commercial places like restaurants, clinics, hospitals etc. Or one may also install Point of Use (POU) systems under the sink for specific faucets. The mechanism behind most of these UV systems is the use of a mercury vapour lamp which emits light in the range of UV waves. These UV waves travel via the water medium and penetrate into micro- organisms when they come in between the waves travelling path.

But there are a few factors which may affect the performance of the UV treatment systems

  • The presence of minerals like manganese and iron affects the activity of UV light by absorbing it before it can penetrate the microorganisms. Similarly, the presence of organic compounds and sediments from dead and decaying animals which may be present in the water source also hinders UV’s activity by absorption, thus reducing its transmittance energy and its killing powers.
  • The presence of particulate matter also hinders the activity of UV rays by scattering it before it reaches the micro-organisms. Particles also shadow the microorganisms and help them in escaping the killing effects of the UV light.
  • The UV light system may also become ineffective if the water is hard and contains large amounts of Iron. Both hard water and presence of iron may cause scaling of the UV lamp thus hampering transmission of the UV light thus reducing its efficiency.

No one treatment system can deal with all the issues mentioned above on its own. When such conditions arise one may have to opt for a combination of water treatment systems. You can install a pre treatment system of water softener or a carbon filter and then install the UV treatment system. So that the water first goes flows through the water softening system and then gets treated by the UV system.

Writer of this article suggest to find more info on commercial and residential water purification systems by Absolute Water System, in her personal view, the best water purification system.

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